The Great Wall of China was the brainchild of Qin Shihuang, the First Emperor of China. He erected the first fortifications from 220–206 BC as a way to keep off raids from nomads from the Eurasian Steppe.

The Great Wall of China was the brainchild of Qin Shihuang, the First Emperor of China. He erected the first fortifications from 220–206 BC as a way to keep off raids from nomads from the Eurasian Steppe. The wall was also built to enhance border controls, especially for the traders who used the Great Silk Road.

Subsequent emperors of China would rebuild and expand the wall, putting watch towers, barracks and garrisons in-between. The soldiers used smoke signalling to keep each other alert. Take a look at the video. Better still, make this world wonder your next travel destination.