Hong Kong is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China and one of the busiest cities in the world. It is a major financial hub for the East, sort of like how New York is important in the Americas and London in Europe. A lot has been said about the country, but I bet you do not know the following interesting facts about Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China and one of the busiest cities in the world. It is a major financial hub for the East, sort of like how New York is important in the Americas and London in Europe. A lot has been said about the country, but I bet you do not know the following interesting facts about Hong Kong.

1. In contrast with what many people believe, 30% of Hong Kong's surface area is covered with parks and forests. This is despite the country being one of the most densely populated in the world.

2. In Hong Kong, East easily meets the West in what is regarded as the most significant cultural melting pot. Although 93.6 percent of the residents in the city are Chinese, you will hardly notice because most of them are urbane cosmopolitans who have had some years of education in the west.

3. Out of 80 countries done in a survey, Hong Kong topped the list of the Intelligence Quotient. It has higher IQ than Germany, US and Japan...Trust me; if you ever find yourself in the city, you will be mingling with extremely smart people - be careful about what you say because although the people try very hard to hide their disdain for stupidity, they are as snobbish as any other successful people.

4. The Hong Kong dollar is the eighth most traded currency in the world. This is something you would not expect from such a small country, but Hong Kong has made a significant push on the economic front. In fact, the city has one of the highest Human Development index in the world.

5. Due to the lack of space, Hong Kong has gained the tag of being the most vertical city in the world. It is very rare indeed to find a house in Hong Kong that is less than 10 storeys. The architectural marvels that make up the present day Hong Kong have been labeled as the best gift to a tourist.

Whenever in Hong Kong, be cosmopolitan. Shed your stereotype about color, religion, creed etc. Most likely than not, the person that you are looking down upon is smarter than you. Rather, try to mingle with this people...it may lead to your greatest business deal ever.