Why you would want to eat a fried scorpion beats my logic...but if you want it, it is available on the streets of China.

I would say that the culinary scene in Southeast Asia will aghast you and impress you in equal measure. Some delicacies here are utterly yak while others are mouthwatering. If you are travelling to China, your stomach better be prepared for some surprises. Below are some of the gut-wrenching delicacies to be had in the country;

1. Duck feet...good luck chewing on this bony delicacy.

2. Snake soup. I gather you have never tasted anything quite like this...yes? You must be brave you are going to drink a soup from shredded snake meat.

3. Sea slugs...I almost retched just looking at slimy delicacy. It is gut wrenching alright.

4. Turtle Jelly soup - The Chinese have a penchant for these 'shelly' seafoods. First the snails then the turtles...

5. Century egg - Why would somebody bury and egg for 100 days and then feed on it? Apparently the Chinese think this is a delicacy. The york will have turned slimy and greenish.

6. Chicken testicles - I will never order Chipolata sausages in China now that the boiled chicken testicles look exactly like them. If you are brave, try these local delicacies.

7. Fried seahorse - The fried seahorse stares back at you and you almost feel sorry for it as you chew.

8. Fried Grubs - They have squishy texture that sends nausea gushing through my whole body.

9. Live fish - The fish on your plate might not be completely dead...and they eat it raw.

10. Fried scorpion - Why you would want to eat a fried scorpion beats my logic...but if you want it, it is available on the streets of China.

The Chinese are weird dudes if their delicacies are anything to go by. Again, prepare your tummy for surprises.